Romit Mehta

Latest article - Data Product Management and how to be an effective data product manager


I continue my writing around product management, specifically around data products and platforms. I published a new one this morning around Data Product Management.

It is my first post under Medium’s Partner Program which means it is paywalled and you can only access it if you are a paid subscriber on Medium.

My earlier series around data platform product management is free to read and the first post is here.

Data Platform Product Management


I have started writing a series of blog posts around platform product management, and more specifically, data platform product management.

  1. Preface, introductions - who am I, and why read my posts and this series
  2. Platform products' customers - start with defining the customer and their characteristics
  3. Goals and North Stars - set good goals based on what you want to achieve as a platform team
  4. Partners and Enablers - build and leverage your partnerships because they will help sell your vision
  5. How to thrive as a platform PM - put all of the above together and see how to succeed as a data platform product manager
  6. Platform PM leader - as you move up and become a data platform product leader, understand what is expected of you, and what you should expect, including some limitations in this role