Its a typical Monday thus far
#Frenzy of emails and ‘action items’. I wonder if Office Space used the phrase ‘action items’, because it is so typical in today’s office.
Frenzy of emails and ‘action items’. I wonder if Office Space used the phrase ‘action items’, because it is so typical in today’s office.
What’s the fascination with Gmail? I know that when something is hard to get, it becomes more wanted. But after all the upgrades to Yahoo and hotmail, why is there such a demand still for Gmail?
As I start browsing sites about blogging, I realize a common trend is for people to announce that they have a Gmail account or they are so frustrated that they don’t have one.
Heck, even I announced that I have Gmail! What a fool I am…
No, I am not excited that I have one. I use Outlook, so disk space and email quota don’t have too much importance in my books. I would love to see their ‘threading’ feature, but that is not something I am dying for at this moment.
Come on people….there are better things in life to look forward to :-)
Thanks to my cousin in NJ, who signed up me instead of himself, I have a Gmail account now! It is truly a no-frills interface, in line with all other google properties. And in fact now since rediffmail has offered free email account with 1GB, the whole novelty of high storage space is also gone.
But the good thing is that Gmail lets me see my emails in a thread fashion too. That really helps if I am trying to follow a conversation. I am sure it will only improve as time passes by.
Now I am waiting for an invite from Gmail, so I can sign my cousin up….