Romit Mehta

What a workout!


Went and met my niece yesterday. After a long time. And it was fun. She has started smiling at pretty much any face you make.

I have always wanted to toss her (not literally) in the air and catch her on her way down. So I started doing that after getting the clear from the parents - you know, that it has been enough time since she ate so she won’t throw up or anything.

But believe me, she is heavy! I think she is about 18 or 19 pounds now! And I could not stop doing it! She would become as quiet as she could be as soon as you stop. And then, when you start again, she would be laughing madly. She loved it. I loved it too.

But I was tired after about 30 tosses. And after I gave her back to her dad, my arms were shaking!!! I am so out of shape! I still have some pain in my arm.

But it was fun while it lasted. At least now I know what makes her laugh :-)