Romit Mehta

American Dreams - last ditch attempt - decision coming on May 16!


So it seems all the efforts so far have been successful in a way - the powers-that-be have not been able to dump the show yet. So please don’t question me as to why I have so many ‘last attempt’ requests. The thing is that because of all these efforts, the decision keeps getting pushed out, and this one looks like it is truly the last attempt.

The decision reportedly will be made on Monday, May 16.

Please send emails from all your email addresses, and fwd this message to everyone you know, and ask them to send the email from all their email addresses with the same exact subject and body.

Here it goes:



ATTN: Mr. Zucker


Mr. Zucker, I am a loyal watcher of American Dreams. Please don’t go searching for viewers via new tv pilots. We’re here, and we’re already watching! Please keep our dreams alive, and find a place for “American Dreams” in NBC’s fall schedule.


(your name here)

That’s it. It’s that simple!

Please do this for me, and pass it along to as many people as you can. I know, I will be sending at least 20 emails from various email addresses. :-)