Tagging and categories
#After spending some time over the weekend at FreshBlog and the network of links from there, I was able to set up my blog so that I could start tagging posts under various keywords (categories).
Once I set most of my historical posts with some relevant tags, I hope to create a drop down on the right, which will help readers (and myself!) to get to all posts with certain keywords, quickly and easily.
Currently, you can go from any post’s “Filed In” section and click on any of the tags and it will take you to my del.icio.us page with the posts that match that tag listed. Clicking on any of the results there will bring you back to this blog.
Also, the little ‘Add to Delicious’ link at the bottom of all posts will let you add my posts to your bookmarks with your own tags. Enjoy!
Many many thanks to FreshBlog!