Left and right turn blinkers
#Maybe it is road rage in me. Maybe I should not expect so much out of drivers who drive a lot just to get to work and back. But can someone tell me since when did signalling left and right when changing lanes and taking turns become optional?
Is it that I need to revisit the driver manual? Or it is just that I should get used to this nonsense? People cutting me off just because I let them. People assuming that the blinker is a must, so they give the signal after moving into the lane. People who just can’t be bothered with anyone around them while they drive across two lanes in their big ol' bag of crap.
I have had so many instances of late that I have actually started noticing how many people give the signal and how many don’t. Guess what, in the last 3 days, NO ONE I saw used their left and right blinkers. NO ONE! Unbelievable.