Regulation on coffee
#My current client office has an in-house Starbucks coffee area. It is sort of an OEM operation where they have their own person making Starbucks coffee within certain hours in the morning and in the afternoon.
That is all nice and dandy, but recently, I overheard the person ordering 4-shot cappuccino! Are you serious?? 4 shots of espresso coffee with a hint of milk and foam? How many times must he be having that drink? Is it good for you?
Is it the coffee maker’s responsibility to slow him down? Just like a bartender is (ideally) supposed to slow down someone trying to get drunk heavily, is it the coffee maker’s role to slow down a person trying to have too much coffee?
I do believe these kind of people may become a huge distraction in the office, especially if they come to post-lunch meetings and start taking away the meeting from the main points of discussion.