One more plug for Friday Night Lights
#I was pleasantly surprised to read Charlie McCollum’s plug for the NBC show Friday Night Lights.
I have talked about this show in an earlier post. Charlie of course is a lot more technical in his analysis of why the show should get more viewers.
My appeal is from the “fan” viewpoint. The show is really well-written. The actors have all done a great job - from the coach, his wife, the QB1 who is handicapped after on-field injury, the QB2 with his grandma issues and with his father being in Iraq, the alcoholic stud, his girlfriend with mother and family issues, the coach’s daughter, the popular running back, assistant coaches, everyone. As you can tell, there are a lot of characters and lot of subplots in the show. And the creators of the show have done a good job keeping it together at the same time devoting enough screen time to all the characters.
In a lot of ways, this show kinda feels like American Dreams, also on NBC. It also started hitting low ratings and had to be pulled off ultimately after being pushed around. I hope Friday Night Lights is given enough justice and of course, I hope it is taken away from American Idol because really, there is nothing that can compete with Idol nowadays.
By the way, Mike Cassidy also of Mercury News, says that this is one of the shows he looks forward to seeing every week. Great!
Save the show! :-)